Monday, February 19, 2007

I like dark chocolate

Man I was just sitting here and I realized I really like dark chocolate. Now let me explain myself here not only do I like dark chocolate I stinking love it. If you don't know it there has been an age long battle between to formidale opponents, in one corner dark chocolate, in the other milk chocolate. Now in my opinion Dark Chocolate is for men and milk chocolate is for girls and men that have no self esteem, you see dark chocolate is what God intended chocolate to be. You see contrary to popular belief Chocolate is not sweet it is bitter, and to some unsavory. Chocolate wasn't sweet until mankind got ahold of it and ruined the true essence of what it was intended to be. So technically even Dark Chocolate is a polluted form of true chocolate, it's kind of like Coffee. I believe the only good coffee is black coffee, not any of this sissy frappacino junk, that is for sissy's. There is something pure and wonderful about a nice piece of Dark Chocolate and a warm espresso. Now that is a beautiful thing.


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