Friday, June 16, 2006

Donde esta casa de pepe

I just really like to say that, me and brandon and eric are moving in together that should be interesting. One thing they don't know about me is that I have night terrors and scream at the top of my lungs and then often times I will pee convulsivly whenever I see someone in the morning. But Im sure they will get over it. Have you ever thought about what you do in the morning, I hear that some people drink raw eggs in the morning. Thats a good idea, if you want to get salmonella, I guess they say that it's a good source of protein. But that doesn't really matter if you get salmonella, then you'll just be a really buff guy with salmonella, and if thats you then you deserve it. Here is a question why doesn't salmonella affect the chickens that have it. I mean that's pretty jacked up, they can give it to you and you can die and they just get to keep on clucking around giving other people salmonella. Stupid Chickens!!! Someday I'm going to make a giant barn full of chicken food and I'll invie all the chickens in the world to come and feast with me. Then when they all get there I'm going to give them some disease that affects chickens and not humans, we'll see how they like that.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Though of the day

Have you ever seen someone that can swallow their entire hand. I think that's pretty cool. I was wondering what else one could swallow, such as their head. How cool would that be if you could swallow your own head. Like your lip goes over your eyes, past your hair and back to your neck. People would be impressed by that. I could get on the Tonight show if I perfected the head swallow. People would respect someone who could swallow thier own head, i know i would. If you have any ideas on how to do this, please send me an email, cause i would like to know!