Friday, May 19, 2006

Shape Up

Have you ever looked at people? I mean really looked at people. I once sat in a mall for three hours just looking at people. They come in all sizes and shapes (just because everyone always says shapes and sizes) cylinders, pears, circles, figure 8's you name it. If shapes could talk what do you think they would say? "Hey I'm a square I don't like to do things that are dangerous and I like to do Science in my free time." Or maybye, "Hi I'm a circle I'm always happy because I don't care about anything." What would the hexagon say would he feel awkward because he's part square and part circle, or would he embrace his individuality and be outgoing? Thats a question we each need to ask ourselves.


Blogger Evan Liewer said...

i dont like shapes cause i cant eat them, but i can eat fruit

1:15 PM  

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